While creating date templates, emails/letters, and email/letter templates you will utilize merge field codes to pull the correct information from the transaction. In this article, it will explain how to use merge field codes and provide merge field code lists.

NOTE: letter case IS important in the code to pull/reference the correct information!


Using Merge Field Codes


When creating an email, using merge field codes can save a lot of time and effort. Merge field codes allow you to personalize the email by automatically populating information into the email. To use merge field codes, simply insert them into the email template or email directly & it will populate the information specific to the transaction or contacts you are creating the email for. The merge field codes can pull different information, such as contact information, transaction date template dates, transaction information cells, and auto-attach attachments. For AFrame merge field codes, use the format: $CustomMergeCode.

Related Articles: Email/Letter Templates, Email Tab


Each date entry has a custom merge field code associated with it. With this code, you can define what it will be and you can reference it in email templates or even use it within due date formulas for other date entries or tasks. To help you identify the type of code, the date merge field codes start with the prefix $d_.

Related Articles: Date Templates, Dates Tab


When creating tasks there are two options for due dates: no due date or due date formulas. When choosing the due date formula you have the option to select a referenced date. The reference date is a date entry or standard date (such as list date, effective date, template start date, closing date, or any custom date made) that will have its unique merge field code associated with it.

Related Articles: Task Templates, Task Tab


Each attachment entry has a unique custom merge field code associated with it. This code allows you to define a placeholder for the attachment and reference it within email templates. When you include the merge field in an email template, the corresponding file will automatically be attached, as long as a file has been uploaded to that specific placeholder. This streamlines the process and ensures relevant documents are included in communications. To help you identify the type of code, the attachment merge field codes start with the prefix $a_.

Related Articles: Attachment Templates, Attachments Tab

Information Fields

Each information field has a unique custom merge field code that acts as a placeholder for that field. Similarly, each group of fields has its own custom merge field code. When you use a field group merge field code, it automatically inserts data from all fields within the group that contain information, while excluding empty fields. To help you identify the type of code, individual field codes start with the prefix $f_, and group field codes begin with $fg_.

Related Articles: Field Definitions Templates, Information Fields

Default Date Merge Field Codes

These are the date entries in the default date template for each account. You can always create custom dates with their own custom merge field codes within the date templates. There are optional suffixes for the date merge field codes to help with more conversational formats for emails.

Standard Transaction Dates
DateMerge Code
List Date$d_ListDate
On Market Date$d_OnMarketDate
Expire Date$d_ExpireDate
Effective Date$d_EffectiveDate
Closing Date$d_ClosingDate

Contract Date Template
DateMerge Code
Earnest Money Due$d_EarnestMoneyDue
Inspection Period$d_InspectionPeriod
Survey Date$d_SurveyDate
Finance Date
Title Date$d_TitleDate
Possession Date$d_PossessionDate

ProTip: You can create multiple date templates in your account with custom dates to apply to your transactions, which is beneficial when you cover multiple states/areas with different contract dates. You can learn more with our Date Templates article.

Optional Suffixes for Date Merge Codes (above chart)
DataSuffix On Merge CodeFormat
No Suffix
Sep 23, 2023 (Sat) from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Due Date Formula-Formula7 Calendar Days
Starting Date-StartDateSep 8, 2023 (Fri)
Starting Date Order-StartDateOrdFriday, September 8th
Starting Time-StartTime9:00 AM
Location-LocationAddress entered in Location Cell

User Role Merge Field Codes

Add the Prefix (including -) and Suffix together to pull the correct information (i.e. $UserAssistant1-FirstName)

User RoleMerge CodeData ReferenceMerge Code
Primary Agent$UserPrimaryAgent-First NameFirstName
Co-Agent$UserCoAgent-Last NameLastName
TC/Assistant 1$UserAssistant1-Full NameFullName
TC/Assistant 2$UserAssistant2-MobileMobile


Portal LinkPortalLink

All Info CardCard

Participant Role Merge Field Codes

Add the Prefix (including -) and Suffix together to pull the correct information (i.e. $UserAssistant1-FirstName). You can add custom participant roles with their own custom Merge Field Code Prefixes under Admin > Lists > Transactions Participant Roles.

Participant Lists
Merge Code
 All Participants
Agent Portal Visible Participants$TransactionParticipants-AgentPortal
Buyer/Seller Portal Visible Participants$TransactionParticipants-BuyerSellerPortal
All Participants + Agent/TC Roles$TransactionParticipantsAndUsers
Agent Portal Visible Participants + Agent/TC Roles$TransactionParticipantsAndUsers-AgentPortal
Buyer/Seller Portal Visible Participants + Agent/TC Roles$TransactionParticipantsAndUsers-BuyerSellerPortal

Participant RoleMerge CodeData ReferenceMerge Code
Buyer$Buyer-First NameFirstName
Seller$Seller-Last NameLastName
Primary Agent$UserPrimaryAgent-Full NameFullName
Agent (Other Side)$AgentOtherSide-Spouse First NameSpouseFirstName
TC/Assistant 1$UserAssistant1-Spouse Last NameSpouseLastName
TC/Assistant 2$UserAssistant2-Spouse Full NameSpouseFullName
Closer$Closer-First NamesFirstNames
Closer (Other Side)$CloserOtherSide-Last NamesLastNames
Attorney$Attorney-Full NamesFullNames
Attorney (Other Side)$AttorneyOtherSide-PhonePhone1
Lender$Lender-Spouse PhoneSpousePhone1
Lender (Other Side)$LenderOtherSide-EmailEmail
Inspector$Inspector-Spouse EmailSpouseEmail
Surveyor$Surveyor-All EmailsAllEmails


All Contact InfoCard

Salutation LetterSalutationLtr

Salutation EnvelopeSalutationEnv

Mailing Full AddressFullMailingAddress

Mailing Street AddressMailingAddress

Mailing Address - City, State, ZipMailingCSZ

Note: You can customize your list of transaction participant roles under Admin > Lists > Transactions > Participant Roles.

Related Articles: Lists :: Participant Roles

Transaction Merge Field Codes

These merge codes will pull the data from the transaction.

General Field Codes
DataMerge Code
Transaction Side$TransactionSide
Contract Price$ContractPrice
List Price$ListPrice
Property Full Address$PropertyFullAddress
Property Street Address$PropertyAddress
Property Address - City, State, Zip$PropertyCSZ
Transaction Dates$TransactionEvents
Dates Visible in Agent Portal$TransactionEvents-AgentPortal
Dates Visible in Buyer/Seller Portal$TransactionEvents-BuyerSellerPortal

Information Sidebar Field Codes
NameMerge CodeNameMerge Code
Transaction Info
Listing Details$fg_ListingDetailsMLS Id$f_MlsId
Lockbox Id$f_LockboxId
Lockbox Info$f_LockboxInfo
Listing Other Info$f_ListingOtherInfo
Transaction Source$f_TransactionSource
Property Details$fg_PropertyDetailsProperty Type$f_PropertyType
Tax Id$f_TaxId
Year Built$f_YearBuilt
Sqft Source$f_Sqft
Lot Desc$f_LotDesc
HOA Info$fg_HOAInfoHOA Fee$f_HOAFee
HOA Frequency$f_HOAFrequency
Contract Info
Contract Details$fg_ContractDetailsEscrow Number$f_EscrowNumber
Earnest Money$f_EarnestMoney
Due Diligence Fee$f_DueDiligenceFee
Other Party$f_OtherParty
Special Provisions$f_SpecialProvisions
Contract Other Info$f_ContractOtherInfo
Commission Note$f_CommissionNote

Note: You can customize your Information Fields area by moveing or adding more custom fields. You can learn more with our Field Definitions Templates article.

DataMerge Code
Commission Percentage$PercentageCommission
Referral Payout$ReferralPayout
Actual Payout$ActualPayout
Broker Payout$BrokerPayout
Broker Payable$BrokerPayable
Team Lead Payout$TeamLeadPayout
Team Lead Payable$TeamLeadPayable
Primary Agent Payout$PrimaryAgentPayout
Primary Agent Payable$PrimaryAgentPayable
Co-Agent Payout$CoAgentPayout
Co-Agent Payable$CoAgentPayable
Assistant 1 Payout$Assistant1Payout
Assistant 1 Payable$Assistant1Payable
Assistant 2 Payout$Assistant2Payout
Assistant 2 Payable$Assistant2Payable

Related Articles: Field Definitions Templates, Information Fields, Payout Tab

General Merge Field Codes

These general merge field codes can be used in emails or email templates.

Merge Code
Company Name$CompanyNameThe AFrame account's company name
Team Phone$TeamPhoneThe AFrame account's phone number
Current Date$CurrentDateOctober 25, 2023
$CurrentDateLongWednesday, October 25, 2023
Managed Agent Portal $ManagedAgentPortalLinkMain portal login URL. Agent specific portal can be searched by email.

The use of these general merge field codes within emails or email templates will pull the available information that coordinates with the transaction side that you represent. For example: If you have a buyer side transaction, then the $FirstLastNames Merge Feild Code will pull the buyer(s) participant's first and last name(s) - John & Jane Smith.

DataMerge CodeFormat
First Name$FirstNameJohn
Last Name$LastNameSmith
First & Last Name$FullNameJohn Smith
First Names$FirstNamesJohn, Jane
First & Last Names$FullNamesJohn Smith & Jane Smith
Last Names$LastNamesSmith / Doe & Smith
Salutation Letter$SalutationLtrJohn & Jane
Salutation Envelope$SalutationEnvJohn & Jane Smith
Card$CardAll contact info for main & partner