As with any transaction management platform, the proper use of templates can be a huge time saver since much of what you do is repetitive. Setting up Email/Letter Templates can help ensure each client gets a consistent and professional experience. Using the merge fields capability, AFrame can auto-fill important information directly into your email/letter templates as you use them within your transactions or directly with your contacts list. In this article, we will introduce you to the email/letter features and how to create templates.


Merge Field Codes

When creating an email, using merge field codes can save a lot of time and effort. Merge field codes allow you to personalize the email by automatically populating information into the email. To use merge field codes, simply insert them into the email template or email directly & it will populate the information specific to the transaction or contacts you are creating the email for. The merge field codes can pull different information, such as contact information, transaction date template dates, and transaction information cells. For AFrame merge field codes, use the format: $CustomMergeCode.

Tip: Start typing the merge code you want & options will pop up to select from.

Reminder: Merge Field Codes are captilizaiton sensitive.

HTML Editor

AFrame's fully functional HTML editor can make the process smoother and more efficient when creating emails. This tool lets you make visually appealing and engaging emails that stand out in the inbox. You can add images, embed videos, format text, add colors, and you can edit the HTML directly to convey your message effectively. The editor allows you to customize your emails to match your brand's style and preferences. This makes it easy to create professional-looking emails that align with your brand's image.

Template Reminder/Note Banner

Adding a reminder note on the email templates will create a green banner to appear at the top when creating emails from that template. For example, you may want to remind users to attach a specific file before sending the email.


Attaching files to your emails is a breeze with AFrame. To do so, simply click on the "Attach File" icon located in the toolbar of the email creator. You can choose to upload files from your computer, select files stored in your team files storage, or select from files already saved in that transaction's attachment tab.

Task Template Association

You can also associate email/letter templates with tasks within the task templates. Linking the email template to the email task will populate a "create email" button to the right. This makes it especially easy to create the templated email for that transaction and check off the task at the same time.

Related Articles: Task Templates

Creating An Email/Letter Template

  1. Under Templates, Open the email/letter template view. Select + & then select Email/Letter Template.

    Application Link:  Admin > Templates > Email/Letter

  2. Name your email/letter template, select your internal organizational folder, and choose if you will use it with transactions or contacts. Optional: Add a description to summarize the template.

  3. Compose your email template. Using Merge Field Codes helps auto-insert transaction or contact info when you apply the template to an email.

If you want to learn more about the emails tab under the transaction, then check out our Email Tab article.