Managing transactions can come with dealing with a substantial amount of data. Our transaction management features can simplify this process. These features comprise storing listing data, task lists, dates, attachments, commissions, participant information, and contract details. In this article, we will introduce you to the transaction management side and further connect you with more in-depth articles on each feature.

Transaction Detail

When you open a transaction to view within AFrame, you will view the transaction detail page. From here you will see the Agent(s) and your side buyer or sellers listed at the top of the page. You will have your report menu and quick action menu at the top right of the page allowing you to create tasks, emails, dates, or reports quickly. Below this is the transaction information, which will range from written fields, dropdown selections, and information tabs. Read below to explore each tab's features and capabilities.

Information Fields

This collapsable sidebar area holds your transaction information, contract information, and any other custom field collections you create to be at your fingertips at any time. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this area.

Related Articles: Information Fields

Task Tab

You have the choice to apply a task template or input tasks as you go along. This will keep you on track in your responsibilities to get the transaction to the closing table seamlessly. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Task Tab

Attachments Tab

At the start of the transaction, you have the choice to apply an attachment template or upload attachments (files or web links) as you go along. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Attachments Tab

Dates Tab

Under the dates tab, you have the choice to apply a date template or input dates as you go along. This ensures you stay on track for appointments and contract dates throughout the transaction. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab. You will see on the right a collapsible date widget that will populate your dates for easy visibility while working within the transaction.

Related Articles: Dates Tab

Participants Tab

When creating a new transaction, you will need to add your transaction participants. This will link the transaction to the different contacts within your database. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Participants Tab

Emails Tab

Throughout the transaction, you have the capability to send emails in reference to the transaction. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Email Tab

Note/Activities Tab

Throughout the transaction, you have the capability to document different activities. You can log advertisements, emails, expenses, events, inquiries, MLS agent tours, notes, open houses, price changes, and showings. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Activities Tab

Payout Tab

During the transaction, you have the capability to input the commission breakdown for the transaction. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Payout Tab

Misc Tab

Throughout the transaction, you may need to access the misc tab to view portals, change the transaction time zone, or see when the transaction was created/edited within AFrame. In the related article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Related Articles: Misc Tab