Throughout the transaction, you have the capability to document different activities. You can log advertisements, emails, expenses, events, inquiries, MLS agent tours, notes, open houses, price changes, and showings. In this article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Activity Types

When adding an activity to a transaction the first selection will be picking the activity type. The additional supporting fields available to help notate information for your activity are: standard user/managed agent name assignment, note, expense, weblink, file attachment, contact information, & portal visibility. Below are the different activity types:

  • Advertisement - Notate when there is an advertisement for the listing.

  • Email - Input incoming noteworthy emails for the transaction, as the email tab only shows emails sent out of AFrame.

  • Event - Notate when an event happens for the transaction.

  • Inquiry - Notate if there is any inquiry throughout the transaction.

  • MLS Agent Tour - Input when there is an agent tour for the listing.

  • Note - When no other activity type correctly categorizes the activity, then you can use the note option.

  • Open House - Notate when there is an open house for the listing.

  • Price Change - If the price is changed in AFrame, then a price change activity will populate automatically.

  • Showing - Input each showing for the listing. If you link your ShowingTime or Supra account, then a showing will populate automatically.

Related Articles: ShowingTime: Import Showing Information, Supra: Import Showing Data