Throughout the transaction, you may need to access the misc tab to view portals, change the transaction time zone, or see when the transaction was created/edited within AFrame. In this article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.


The transaction portal is a useful tool that allows agents and buyers/sellers to easily access information related to their transactions. They can view important dates, files, contact information, showing feedback, and tasks through the portal. Under the Misc Tab, standard users can send the direct portal link to the linked agents or buyers/sellers. Additionally, standard users can preview how the portal appears to the agents or buyers/sellers for the transaction. More portal accessibility can be found under the buyer/seller participants in the participants tab.

Related Articles: Agent Portal, Buyer/Seller Portal, Participants Tab

Other Information

When you are in a transaction, there may be times when you require additional information about the transaction, such as when it was created, when it was last edited, or what the transaction's time zone is. This information can be essential in cases where you need to track specific changes made to the transaction or ensure that the transaction's timing is accurate.