Welcome to AFrame Software! Below is a checklist to help guide you in setting up your account before your first transactions. After setting up these basics, we highly suggest browsing the remaining articles in the knowledge base for more understanding of all amazing AFrame features.


Set Up Your Personal User Account

  • Add Personal Information

This is where you will enter your email, phone number, picture, Agent Information (if you are also an agent), Email Subscription Preferences, Reminder Preferences, & Default Settings.

Application Link: My Profile > My Info

  • Integrate Your Email

Integrating your email is vital, as it is the only way to send emails from your account and the only way to bypass spam filters. Emails sent through AFrame will appear in the "sent folder" of your email program. 

Related Articles: Email Integration

Application Link: My Profile > Integrations > Email & Calendar

  • Add Email Signature

Create your custom email signature(s) for emails being sent out of AFrame. This is important because your integrated email will not apply the email signature setup within your email program.

Related Articles: Email Signatures

Application Link: My Profile > My Info > Email Signatures

Set Up Team Account

  • Add Team Info & Default Settings

Here you want to input your company contact information, logo, commissions default, team goals, date format default, portal visibility settings, and more.

Related Articles: Team Information & Defaults

Application Link: Admin > Team Info

  • Add Team Members

AFrame offers 2 different types of users with assignable roles and permissions.

  1. Standard Users - monthly charged, can log in to modify data

  2. Managed Agents - free of charge, cannot log in to modify data, can receive calendar/email/text reminders & summaries

Related Articles: Team Members: Standard User, Team Members: Managed Agents, Import Managed Agents
Application Link: Admin > Team Members

Input Your First Contact & Transaction

The quickest way to learn AFrame is to start using it! Go ahead and add your first Contact and Transaction. Just use the Create button in the Top Menu Bar. Additionally, you can import your contacts and past transactions.

Related Articles: Creating A Transaction, Import Contacts, Import Contacts From Top Producer

If you would like to import past transactions, then reach out to Customer Support at Support@AFrameSoftware.com for our transactions+contact import template.

Customize Your Account

AFrame does provide default templates and lists within your account to get you started from day 1, but you can customize these to help match the way you run your business. You can do this at the start or use the ones provided and edit/add as you go along.

  • Templates

Customize the following 4 types of templates to use with transactions: Task, Date, Attachment, & Email/Letter. The templates allow you to create action plans, upload & track required documents, create templated emails, and track important transaction dates within your transactions. Additionally, you have a field definitions template area where you can set up your custom information fields in the information sidebar.

  • Lists

Customize the various dropdowns in each transaction. There are 6 available lists to customize: statuses, sources, property types, activity types, participant roles, & contact categories.

Related Articles: Templates, Lists

Application Link: Admin > Lists  

Application Link: Admin > Templates

You can send customer support a message via the Support Ticket Form on the AFrame's Help Page (? icon in top right corner) or email support@AFrameSoftware.com. Please include specifics like: error message, transaction address, email template name, screenshot, and/or screen recording video.