AFrame does provide default templates within your account to get you started from day 1, but you can customize these to help match the way you run your business. The templates allow you to create action plans, upload & track required documents, create templated emails, and track important transaction dates within your transactions.


  • Task Templates

Task templates are a powerful way to keep up with everything that you need to do for any transaction.  Each new account has several existing Task Templates at your fingertips that allow you to apply multiple tasks at once with just a few clicks. These tasks can be assigned to anyone in your account, auto-figure due dates, and link with letter/email templates.

  • Attachment Templates

Attachment Templates are a quick and easy way to make sure you enter all the required documents & weblinks for a transaction. The templates utilize document placeholders so you know what documents you have & still need at any point throughout your transaction.

  • Email/Letter Templates

Email & Letter Templates allow you to create templated emails and letters that merge with almost any piece of data in a transaction (or contact) by using merge field codes. Proper use of templates can be a huge time saver since so much of what you do is repetitive. The templates will help make sure each client gets a consistent & professional experience.

  • Date Templates

Date templates allow you to create custom templates with all the dates that can pop up in your transaction. Creating multiple templates can be useful for different states or regions that have their specific terminology used. Dates templates utilize merge field codes which can be linked to task template due dates, syncing your productivity across the transaction.

  • Field Definitions Templates

    Field definition templates enable you to create and modify customized fields within the information sidebar of your transactions. You can create separate collections that will each have their own "page" within the sidebar. Furthermore, you can add distinct groups under each collection to better categorize your fields.

Related Articles: Task Templates, Attachment Templates, Email/Letter Templates, Date TemplatesField Definitions Templates

Application Link: Admin > Templates