We understand that transferring data can be a daunting task. Our goal is to make the transition as smooth as possible, so you can focus on growing your business. AFrame is set up so you can start your new transactions right away which gives you time to customize your account when time allows. In this article, we will list the different options you have for importing data into AFrame.


In most programs, you can export your list of contacts into an excel/.csv file. You will need to use a .csv file to import your contact list. We have provided a .csv template with our compatible contact fields for you to fill in and import into your account. We guide you through the process in the article linked below.

Related Articles: Import Contacts, Export Out of tcDocs?, Export Out of Open To Close?

Supported Outside Programs

We have several programs that we have created scripts to recognize during data import. If you use any of the programs listed below, then you just need to save the export file to your computer to upload into our import section. We guide you through the import process in the articles linked below.

  • Outlook
  • tcDocs
  • Wise Agent
  • Top Producer

Related Articles: Import Contacts, Import Contacts From Top Producer


If you need to transfer a list of past transactions from another program into AFrame, then send us an email asking for assistance at support@AFrameSupport.com. You will need to provide us with your file with the full transaction addresses with the connect information to them: Buyer/Seller(s) First + Last Names, Status, Side (buyer or seller), Property Type, Source, Listed Date (if seller), Effective Date, Closed Date, Contract Price, & Commission Payout.

If you are coming from TCDocs, then you can email us your TCDocs export file as we now have an import script that will import the transaction information (not listings).

Related Articles: Export Out of tcDocs?, Export Out of Open To Close?

Managed Agents

Managed Agents are users who cannot log into the system to manipulate data but are available in the dropdown menus to be assigned to Transactions. We have provided a .csv template with managed agent information fields for you to fill in and import into your account. We guide you through the process in our Import Managed Agents article below.

Related Articles: Import Managed Agents


You can easily transfer your existing task templates into our import template. However, please note that all email, date, and attachment templates will need to be manually created in AFrame. This ensures that these specific elements are correctly set up and tailored to your needs within AFrame.

Related Articles: Importing Task Templates

We know importing data from other sources can be tricky. If you want us to assist you in the process, please email us at support@aframesoftware.com. We are happy to help!