Once logged in, you are presented with the Dashboard. This page is designed to give you a quick and comprehensive look into your active business. You can see open transactions, assigned tasks, transaction dates, and your (or your team's) statistics.
In the top section, You will see all of your open transactions - these are properties that are coming soon, actively listed, or under contract. Utilizing the filter and sorting options will help customize your transactions view to your preferences.
Saving Dashboard Views
Use the filter icon to filter your view by status, team transactions, or just your transactions. You can save the current sorted view as the default view by clicking the filter icon, and then selecting Save As Default.
If you click the header title, it will sort by the column you selected. If you want to change the sort direction, click the header title again. AFrame allows 2 sorts at a time, a primary and a secondary.
For example, if you want to sort by status and then by the closing date, you will first click "closing" to be the secondary sort (signified by the light grey carrot icon). Next, you will click "status" to be the primary sort (signified by the orange carrot icon).

PRO TIP: The transaction status order can be customized on the Admin > Lists > Transaction Status Page by dragging/dropping the list to set the order you want.
In the next section of the dashboard, you will find your open tasks. This section gives you a good preview of what tasks lay ahead for your day. The tasks with populated due dates will be sorted by their due date. If there are any overdue tasks, then they will populate their own section at the top of the list. For more task filtering options, you can visit the daily focus area.
Related Articles: Daily Focus
Transaction Dates
In the right sidebar, there is the transaction dates widget on top to easily visualize what dates are coming up with your transactions. This widget contains a list of upcoming transaction dates and any recent past dates that were not marked complete will populate with a red box at the top.
Note: Marking the date complete prior to the date will cancel the date reminder email/text to assigned agent and TC, if any reminder was set up for that date.
In the right sidebar, there is the history widget below the transaction date widget. Here you will have quick access with clickable links to your most recent contacts and transactions you have recently visited in your account.
The bottom section of the dashboard is the statistics section which is an easy way to see how you (or your team) are performing. Specifically: what’s currently in your pipeline, what business you've closed for the year, what you are “on track for”, and how it compares to your goals. There’s a lot of information packed into this one little box.
"Your Goals" Application Link: My Account > Goals
"Team Goals" Application Link: Admin > Team Info > Other Details