At the start of the transaction, you have the choice to apply a task template or input tasks as you go along. In this article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within.


Applying A Template

  1. Click on the transaction to come to the Transaction Detail page
  2. Click on the Task Tab
  3. Click on Use Template
  4. Select the Task Template(s) to apply to the transaction. When you apply a template, the Start Date will automatically be set to today, but it is editable. This date tells AFrame how to auto-assign task due dates. 
  5. Choose to click on Apply or Review. The review screen allows you to exclude a task, reassign a task, or adjust a due date.

Managing Tasks

Editing Task

Simply select the task title to open the full edit selection screen.

Viewing Tasks

Toggle the viewing selections to view the tasks in date order or by folder.

Hide/Show Completed or Omitted Tasks

Toggle the buttons to hide/show the completed or omitted tasks under the transaction.

Creating Email

If there is an email task, then you can click the Create button to create the predetermined email template that was assigned in the task template.

Status Change

You can mark the task complete easily by checking off or changing to another status using the ... button. If you need to change multiple tasks at once to another status, then you will select the tasks before using the Actions > Edit selection.


You can reassign multiple tasks to another user by using the Actions > Edit selection or reassign a single task by selecting the user initials icon to choose another standard user on the account.

Changing Due Date

You can click on the due date of the task needing the update to update the due date formula or turn off the formula to select a direct due date. If you need to change multiple due dates, then you can select the tasks before using the Actions > Edit > Change Due Date selection.


You have the option to customize color codes for each entry. This feature helps in visually organizing and differentiating various tasks. By customizing colors for each entry, you can streamline managing and tracking transaction tasks, providing a more visually intuitive way to stay organized.

If you want to learn more about Task features or templates, then check out our Task Templates article.