While you can manually create contacts individually into your database, we have created a faster way to import your bulk list of contacts. We have provided a .csv template with our contact fields to fill in & upload. Follow below for the walkthrough of the process.

  1. Download the Contact Import Template. Fill in all contact information & upload the .csv file to import.

    If wanting to import past transactions, then use our transaction + contact import template. This will avoid ducplicate contacts if you import at separate times. You can request this template from customer support at [email protected].

  2. Use the dropdown menus to map the .csv columns to each information placeholder & select Save Mapping.

    If you are using a supported program's export file, then select the mapping template that will populate above the custom mapping selection. To see the list of supported outside programs, view our Transferring Data support article.

  3. Confirm your mapping preview of contact information & select Complete Import.

  4. You will get a confirmation page. You will have the selection to view the contacts or finish.

We know importing data from other sources can be tricky. If you want us to assist you in the process, please email us at [email protected]. We are happy to help!