With AFrame, you can set reminders to be sent to managed agents and standard users via email and/or text, making sure everyone stays on top of their responsibilities. This feature can help you stay organized and ensure that important deadlines are never missed. In this article, we will explain how the reminders work, how to set up the reminders, and where to turn the notifications on per user.

How Reminders Work

Task Reminders

Task reminders will only be sent to the assigned user if the reminder is enabled for the task and if the user has their email or text notification settings turned on.

Date Reminders

Date reminders will only be sent to the primary agent, co-agent, and TC/Assistants assigned to the transaction if the reminder is enabled for the date and if the users have their email or text notification settings turned on.

Notification Settings

In order to receive email and/or text reminders, each managed agent and standard user will need the reminder notification settings turned on within their account profiles.

Setting Up Reminders

To maximize efficiency, you can configure task and date reminders within templates so that they consistently apply to every transaction to which the template is added. However, you will still have the option to directly edit or add reminders to individual transactions by clicking on the title or alarm icon of the entry.

Task Entry

Date Entry

Additional Notes

  • Managed agent accounts cannot log in to edit data. Therefore, it's not advisable to assign tasks to managed agents. They won't be able to mark the task as complete. Additionally, since you are not assigned to the task, it will not show up as a task due on the dashboard or the daily focus area.

  • Once you mark a task or date as completed with a green checkmark, reminders will no longer be sent.

  • You can manually edit a task/date entry added to a transaction to change who the reminder will be sent to. When you use the override settings, it will no longer go to the original recipients, instead, it will only go the the emails/numbers you assign. You will do this by:
    1. Clicking on the entry title to open the edit screen
    2. Select the gear icon beside the reminder section to expand the override input options
    3. Enter the emails and/or phone numbers you want the reminder to be sent to