When creating a new transaction, you will need to add your transaction participants. This will link the transaction to the different contacts within your database. In this article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.

Assigning Participants to Transaction

In the participants tab, you will find those previously assigned users (primary agent, co-agent, and assistants) when you created the transaction and it is now where you will assign the buyer/seller contacts to the transaction. You can assign more than one contact as the buyer/seller for the transaction. After you have assigned the buyer/seller(s) to their transaction, you will see the client and agent's information populate at the top of the transaction detail page for quick access at any time during the transaction.

After you have assigned the buyer/seller(s) to their transaction, you can add anyone else to the transaction under the participant tab so that their information is available when sending out emails, using merge fields, or you want to show them on the portals.

How to Assign Participants

  1. Select participant role from the dropdown menu
  2. Search for an existing contact or create a new contact

Optional Steps:

  • Adjust agent or buyer/seller portal visibility
  • Send buyer/seller portal link from the quick access menu

If you want to learn more about particpant role settings, then check out our Lists :: Transactions article.