The AFrame calendar seen inside the program is a helpful tool that shows you in one place all of your transaction dates, contact dates, and tasks. With this view, you can easily see what is in store for you on any given day helping you stay on track to meet your deadlines effectively.

Calendar Features

Transaction Dates

By turning on the visibility of your transaction dates, you can track and ensure that all parties involved in the transaction stay on schedule and meet their obligations on time.

Contact Dates

Including your contact dates in your AFrame calendar will ensure you do not miss any birthdays, anniversaries, or any custom contact dates you have inputted for any of your contacts.


Whether it is a task to remind you to send a 1 year home ownership gift, wishing a client a happy birthday, or any transaction task, keeping up with tasks is essential for success. You have the choice to turn visibility on for tasks within your AFrame calendar, helping you see what tasks are due on any given day.