When it comes to terminating a transaction it can be a complex process that requires careful attention to detail. AFrame is here to ensure it does not have to be within our program. In this guide, we'll show you the easiest way to terminate both buyer and seller sided transactions.

There has been an update in the format of the screen since the video, but the process is still the same.

Seller Transactions

  1. Open the transaction you need to terminate.

  2. Click the brokenhouse icon by the transaction status and select Terminate Contract.(or the termination selection under the quick menu options)

  3. AFrame will duplicate the transaction & mark it as "Fell Apart" while keeping the original set back to "Active". In every tab, select each item as keep (in the Active listing transaction), move (to the Fell Apart transaction), or delete. 

  4. Confirm you want to complete this termination by clicking Terminate.

If you have already changed the status to terminated & want the option of duplicating the transaction like above, then simply change the status back to "Under Contract" > Delete closed date > Save and follow the steps above.

Buyer Transactions

  1. Open the transaction you need to terminate.

  2. Click the broken house icon by the transaction status and select Terminate Contract. (or the termination selection under the quick menu options)

  3. Confirm you want to complete this termination by clicking Terminate. Here you can select if you want to delete incompleted tasks from the transaction.

If you changed the status to "terminated" without using the house icon, then you can use the quick menu option to "Finalize Closed Transaction" (see screenshot below). The next screen will then be the options for remaining open tasks.