At the start of the transaction, you have the choice to apply a date template or input dates as you go along. This will ensure you stay on track for appointments and contract dates throughout the transaction. In this article, it will break down the different options and capabilities you have within this tab.


Applying A Template

  1. From within the Transaction Detail Page, click on the Dates Tab

  2. Click on Use Template

  3. Select the Date Template(s) to apply to the transaction

  4. Choose to click on Apply or Review. The review screen allows you to exclude or adjust a date entry.

Inputting A Date

Templated Date

  1. From within the Transaction Detail Page, click on the Dates Tab

  2. Select the date you want to update

  3. Enter the date or formula for the date entry

  4. Select Update to save

Non-Templated Date

  1. From within the Transaction Detail Page, click on the Dates Tab

  2. Click on or Add Date

  3. Enter date entry information

  4. Click Save

Managing Dates


You may not always have every date to enter when you first apply your date template to the transaction. You can always add or change the dates at any time.

  • Multiple - select all dates you want to edit then click Actions > Review/Edit

  • Single - select the date title or "Enter Date" placeholder to pop up the edit screen

Move Folders

You may need to move one or more dates to another or a new folder to better organize the transaction dates. To move the dates to another folder Select Date(s) > Actions > Move To Folder.

Calendar Invites

You can send calendar invites to any transaction participants added with an email entered. Sending a calendar invite will ensure they have instant up-to-date notification of the new date or date change. To send invites Select Date(s) > Invite > Select Participants > Invite. If you have a single date you need to invite on the fly, you can select the calendar icon on the right-hand side to populate the same invite screen.

Check out our article, Subscribing To AFrame Calendar, to learn how to ensure the dates on your assigned transactions will automatically populate on your calendar. Managed Agents & buyers/sellers will also have their calendar subscription url under their transaction portal settings.


You have the option to omit a date from the date template applied to the transaction. This will remove the date from the listed dates in the agent and buyer/seller portals (which are labeled as TBD when the date is not entered in & not omitted).


Reminders on dates can be essential in helping the Transaction Coordinators and Agents stay on top of appointments and contract dates. You can turn on/off the reminders for each date within the date template or date tab directly in the transaction. Checking the date as complete will turn off the reminder alerts and remove the date from the upcoming dates on your dashboard.


To delete dates Select Date(s) > Actions > Delete. If you need to delete a single date on the fly, then you can click the ... button and select delete from the dropdown menu.

Portal Visibility

You may not want certain dates visible in certain portals. You can control which dates are seen within the agent and buyer/seller portals via the portal visibility icons. If you have a date that you want to consistently be included or excluded from the portal visibility, then we would suggest editing the visibility setting in the date template.


You have the option to customize color codes for each entry. This feature helps in visually organizing and differentiating various dates. By customizing colors for each entry, you can streamline managing and tracking transaction dates, providing a more visually intuitive way to stay organized.

If you want to learn more about date features or templates, then check out our Date Templates article.