Your contact database will be an area you will rely on for linking transactions to the buyers/sellers, holding contact information and addresses for any type of transaction participant you may come across, lead tracking for agents, and so much more. It is crucial to ensure that the contact information is accurate and up-to-date to maintain a good relationship with clients and provide them with the best possible service. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a contact, step by step.

TIP: Search for the contact prior to creating a new contact to avoid duplicates.

Creating Contact

  1. Create a new contact.

    Application Link: Create > Contact

  2. Add the contact information & their spouse/partner information below them. You will want to utilize the category section to help organize your ever-growing contact database. Additionally, you can give the contact a rating.

  3. Add a mailing address (if applicable), select contact owners from your user account options, enter broker/license numbers (if applicable), & track referrals (if applicable).

  4. In the last portion, you can select if the contact is a potential buyer or seller for lead tracking & track yearly touch dates, then SAVE. The contact's touch dates will populate under the contact owner(s) integrated calendar.

If you want to upload contacts in bulk, then check out the Import Contacts article for directions.