While you can manually create contacts individually into your database, we have created a faster way to import your bulk list of contacts. Below we will show you step-by-step instructions on how to export your contacts from Top Producer and then import them into your AFrame account.

Export Data From Top Producer

First, you will need to download all contact data from Top Producer.

  1. Login to your Top Producer account

  2. Click Search for Contacts from the Contacts menu in the main menu bar.

  3. Export all contacts by clicking Search.  Do not enter any search criteria.

  4. On the Search Results screen, click Export Contacts.

  5. On the Export Contacts screen, select the options:  All Contacts, CSV, and Contact Record and all associated items.

  6. Click Export. Depending on the number of Contacts in your account, the file could take a while to create. Save this file to your computer and follow the instructions below on how to import it into your AFrame account.

Import Data Into AFrame

Once you have the file downloaded from Top Producer, follow the steps below to import the data.

  1.  In AFrame, under the Import contacts section Upload the Top Producer data file.

    Application Link: Admin > Import > Contacts

  2. On the Mapping page, select the Owner of the Contacts and choose the Top Producer mapping option.  You also must select who the primary agent will be for any Transactions imported from the file.  Click Save Mapping to review the import.

  3. Use the Confirmation page to make sure the import is as you expected.  If there are any issues or warnings, you can click View Import Log to review them.  To complete the import, click Complete Import.